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  4. How To Change the Role of a Specific User?

How To Change the Role of a Specific User?

You can create an unlimited number of User Roles using WholesaleX. And you can have many users under a specific User Role. However, you might need to change the role of a specific user. 

So, here’s how you can do it:

  • Go to WholesaleX → Users.
  • Click ‘Edit’ on your desired user.
  • Scroll down till you see ‘WholesaleX Profile Settings.’
  • In the ‘WholesaleX User Settings,’ you can see that user’s current role. And if you have any existing roles, you can select those in the dropdown.
  •  After changing the role, scroll down till the end of the page and click ‘Update User.’
WholesaleX Change User Role
WholesaleX Change User Role

And you have successfully changed the role of a specific user.

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