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  3. WholesaleX: How To Guide
  4. How to Modify Registration Success Message?

How to Modify Registration Success Message?

Modifying the registration success message can be a great way to provide an engaging and personalized experience for new users. This message can be used to welcome new users to your platform. With WholesaleX, you can modify the registration success message to personalize it according to your needs. 

To do that:

  • Go to WholesaleX → Settings.
  • Go to the ‘Registration & Login’ tab.
  • Scroll down until you see the option: ‘Registration Successful Message.’
  • Now, in the consecutive box, write your personalized message.
  • Now, click ‘Save Changes.’
WholesaleX Modifying Registration Success Message
WholesaleX Modifying Registration Success Message

Now users will see the modified message after a successful registration.

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