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  3. WholesaleX: How To Guide
  4. How To Change Store Mode (B2B, B2C, B2B+B2C)?

How To Change Store Mode (B2B, B2C, B2B+B2C)?

WholesaleX is not just a B2B wholesale plugin. It lets you create a complete B2B, B2C, and B2B+B2C hybrid store.

And anytime you can switch the store mode. Let’s see how easy it is to change store modes:

  • Go to WholesaleX → Settings.
  • In the General Settings tab, you can see the ‘Plugin Status.’ and you can select:
    • B2B (Wholesale Only)
    • B2C (Public Only)
    • B2B & B2C Hybrid (Wholesale and Public)
  • Once you select your desired mode, scroll down and click ‘Save Changes.’
WholesaleX Changing Store Mode
WholesaleX Changing Store Mode

And this is how easily you can switch your store mode with WholesaleX.

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