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  4. Display Discount Offers on Product Page

Display Discount Offers on Product Page

Here’s how you can display promotional offers on the product pages like the below image.

Promo Offer on Product Page

First, you need to go to Dynamic Rules’s settings section. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to WholeSaleX > Settings.
  2. On the left-hand side, locate the Dynamic Rules option.
  3. Click on Dynamic Rules to access the settings, as shown in the image below.
Dynamic Rules Settings

Now, let’s review the options individually from the list below.

  • Show Promotions
  • Main Promo Text
  • Product Discount
  • Cart Discount
  • Free Shipping
  • Buy X Get 1 (BOGO)
  • Buy X Get Y
  • Min & Max Order Quantity
  • Conditions
  • Discounts Validity

Show Promotions: To display promotional texts on single product pages, you must enable the “Show Promotion” checkbox. Otherwise, the promotion card will not appear on the single product page.

Main Promo Text: By default, the promo text will be “Get exclusive,” but you have the option to customize it according to your preferences.

Product Discount

Product Discount Setting

If you have a dynamic rule for Product Discount with conditions, you can activate this feature.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to view it when they look at the single product page, as shown in the image below.

Show Label Text: You have the option to enable or disable the label text, and you can customize it. For instance, the default label text is “Product Discount,” but you can rewrite it in the “Label Text” field to suit your preferences.

Product Discount Example

Card Discount

Cart Discount Settings

Show Cart Discount on Pop Up: If you have a dynamic rule for Cart Discount , with or without conditions, you can activate this feature.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to view it when they look at the single product page , as shown in the image below.

Show Label Text: You have the option to enable or disable the label text, and you can customize it. For instance, the default label text is “Cart Discount,” but you can rewrite it in the “Label Text” field to suit your preferences.

Promo Description Text: Since the discount will be applied after adding items to the cart, it’s important to inform customers that they need to add the required product to the cart to receive the discount. You can write on your own on it.

Cart Discount Example

Payment Method Discounts

Payment Method Setting

Show Payment Method Discounts: If you have a dynamic rule for Payment Method Discount , with or without conditions, you can activate this feature.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to view it when they look at the single product page , as shown in the image below.

Show Label Text: You have the option to enable or disable the label text, and you can customize it. For instance, the default label text is “Payment Method Discount,” but you can rewrite it in the “Label Text” field to suit your preferences.

Promo Description Text: As the discount will be applied after choosing the payment method, you can customize this message from this section.

Payment Method Example

Free Shipping

Free Shipping Settings

Show Promotion on Product Page: If you have a dynamic rule for Shipping Rule, with or without conditions, you can activate this feature.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to view it when they look at the single product page, as shown in the image below.

Promo Text: The text will appear on a single product page when there are no conditions set for the Shipping Rule. You can rewrite or translate it as needed.

Text on Promotional Popup: You have the flexibility to rewrite or translate the text for the Promotional Popup. Additionally, ensure that the dynamic rule includes conditions.

Free Shipping Example

Buy X Get 1 (BOGO)

Show BOGO Discounts Promotions text: If you have a dynamic rule for BOGO Discounts, with or without conditions, you can activate this feature.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to view it when they look at the single product page, as shown in the image below.

Show Label Text: You have the option to enable or disable the label text, and you can customize it if necessary. For instance, the default label text is “BOGO Discount,” but you can rewrite it in the “Label Text” field to suit your preferences.

Bogo Offer Text: You have the option to rewrite or translate the text for the Bogo Offer.

Promo Text on Pop-up: You have the option to rewrite or translate the text for the required quantity of products, which will be displayed on the promo card.

Promo Text on Cart: You can also rewrite or translate the text for the cart.

Buy X Get Y

Buy X Get Y

Buy X Get Y (Show free item on Product Page): If you have a dynamic rule for Buy X Get Y, with or without conditions, you can activate this feature.

Once enabled, your customers will be able to view it when they look at the single product page, as shown in the image below.

Buy X Get Y Example

Min & Max Order Quantity

Min and Max Order Quantity

Required Order Quantity Notice on Product Page: Enabling this option will display the Min & Max Order Quantity notice.

Additionally, you can customize the text for Minimum Order Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, and Min and Max Order Quantity in this section.


Show Cart Total Value Discount on Pop-Up: As we already know, the Dynamic rules condition will be displayed on the Promo card. However, to show the condition text, you need to enable this option.

Cart Discount Conditions

Also, We can customize the text for the below list

  • Cart Total Value Min Text
  • Cart Total Value Max Text
  • Cart Total Value Min & Max Text
  • Cart Total Quantity Min & Max Text
  • Cart Total Weight Min Text
  • Cart Total Weight Max Text
  • Cart Total Weight Min & Max Text
  • Cart Total Quantity Min Text
  • Cart Total Quantity Max Text

Discounts Validity

Discount Validity

Show Discounts Validity on Pop-Up: To display the discount time duration, you must keep this option enabled. Otherwise, customers will not see the discount validity. You can customize the text in the “Discount Validity Text” field.

Promotions Explainer Text

Promotion Explainer Text

In this section, you have the opportunity to elaborate further on your promotions or discounts. By providing more details, users can gain a clearer understanding of which discount aligns best with their needs and preferences. This can include information such as specific conditions, eligibility criteria, or any limitations associated with the discount offer.

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