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  4. How to Change Price Suffix

How to Change Price Suffix

Here we will show you how to change regular and wholesale price suffixes, including why you should change it. So let’s start.

How to Override the regular price suffix?

The regular price suffix shows words or letters after the regular price.

To change the regular price suffix:

  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Navigate to WholesaleX → Settings.
  • Click General Settings.
  • Add preferred text in the “Override Regular Price Suffix” setting to add your desired suffix.
  • Finally, click “Save Changes” to save the setting.

Why should you override the regular price suffix?

Overriding the regular price suffix allows customization of the text displayed after regular prices, which shows the differentiation between regular and discounted prices and enables promotional messages to attract customers and improve the shopping experience.

How to Override the Wholesale price suffix?

The wholesale price suffix shows words or letters after the wholesale price.

To change the wholesale price suffix:

  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Navigate to WholesaleX → Settings.
  • Click General Settings.
  • Add preferred text in the “WholesaleX Price Suffix” setting to add your desired suffix.
  • Finally, click “Save Changes” to save the setting.

Why should you change the wholesale price suffix?

Overriding the wholesale price suffix provides the flexibility to customize the text displayed after wholesale prices, enabling businesses to showcase specific pricing terms, special offers, bulk discounts, or any other relevant information. This customization helps to communicate pricing details clearly to wholesale customers and effectively promotes wholesale products or pricing tiers.

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