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  4. How To Approve New Registrations From The WholesaleX Dashboard?

How To Approve New Registrations From The WholesaleX Dashboard?

WholesaleX has the option for both automatic and manual user approval systems. So, how to approve users from the WholesaleX dashboard?

Let’s see how you can do that.

The WholesaleX Dashboard shows the number of new registrations under the stat chart on the left panel. And in that panel, you will have the option to approve newly registered users.

WholesaleX Dashboard New Registration

Click the ‘approve’ button, which will lead you to the user’s list. Just hover over any user and click Edit.

WholesaleX Selecting User for Approval
WholesaleX Selecting User for Approval

Now, scroll till you see ‘WholesaleX User Settings’. Click ‘Approve Request’. And from there, you can approve your desired registered users.

WholesaleX Approving Request
WholesaleX Approving Request
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