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  4. WholesaleX Shortcodes for Bulk Order and Registration Forms

WholesaleX Shortcodes for Bulk Order and Registration Forms

WholesaleX comes with two Shortcodes. One is for creating separate Registration & Login Forms. And another one for creating a separate bulk order page.

Where can I find the Shortcode for B2B Registration Form?

To find the Shortcode for creating a separate registration form, go to WholesaleX >> Registration Form. Configure the Registration Form as per your needs. And to get the Shortcode, click the “Get Shortcodes” button. Here you will see the shortcodes of the registration form based on the user roles and a global shortcode for all users.

How to Find the Registration Form Shortcode?
How to Find the Registration Form Shortcode?

You need to copy your desired Shortcode and paste it to your desired page, which will be your registration form. The page can be an existing one, or you can create a new one if required.

Where Can I find the Shortcode for the Bulk Order Form?

To get the Shortcode of the Bulk Order Form, go to WholesaleX >> Settings >> Bulk Order. From here, you can copy the Shortcode and paste it to your desired page, your Bulk Ordering Page. It can be an existing page or you can create a new one:

Bulk Order Shortcode Form

*** Please note that you will need to save the changes (it’s true for both the bulk order form and the registration form). It is a crucial that you make changes, save the changes, copy the shortcode, and apply it to a new page. Otherwise, the settings may not work.

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