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Product Discount

Product discounts are a great way to incentivize customers to purchase from your business. With WholesaleX, you can easily set up product discounts for any user or role and customize the discount type, amount, and duration to meet your business needs best. Setting up a product discount is easier and more efficient with WholesaleX.

This guide will walk you through the steps of setting up a product discount on WholesaleX.

Step 1: Creating Dynamic Rules

First, go to the WordPress Dashboard and select WholesaleX. Now, you have to go to dynamic rules to create a rule for a product discount. So, let’s go there, and from the dropdown menu, select the Dynamic Rules option. This will bring up a new window where you can create a rule.

Now, click the Create Dynamic Rule option and click the untitled Rule to expand further.

Creating Rule - Product Discount
Creating Rule – Product Discount

The first thing is naming the Rule, which will help you find it easily when you have quite a few rules for your store. So let’s name it from the rule title box.

Naming Discount - Product Discount

Step 2: Selecting Rule Type

Now you have to select the form of discount. WholesaleX offers quite a few discount options for your store. But as we are discussing product discounts, so from the Rule Type dropdown menu, select Product Discount.

Rule Type Selection - Product Discount
Rule Type Selection – Product Discount

Step 3: Selecting User Roles

Then, select the type of user or role you would like the discount to apply to. You need to select the type of users as per your requirements, of which customers can see and avail of the discount. WholesaleX lets you select All Users, All Roles, Specific Users, or Specific Roles.

Selecting User Role - Product Discount
Selecting User Role – Product Discount

Step 4: Selecting Products

After this, select the product filter from the dropdown menu to which you would like to apply the discount. Because not just users and user roles, your discount can be product specific, so you need to select them for better discount processing.

Product Filtering - Product Discount
Product Filtering – Product Discount

Step 5: Managing the Type of Discount

The next step is to choose the type of discount you would like to offer. You can choose between Percentage, Amount, and Fixed Price. Then, type in the Discount amount. You can also change the discount name if you would like, which is an optional setting.

Managing Discounts - Product Discount

Step 6: Managing Usage Limits and Date & Time Rules (Optional)

You can expand the Date and Limit Rule to customize the discount further. In the Usage Limit field, type in how many times (in numeric) a user can avail of this discount. If you want users to avail of the discount for a maximum of 1/2/3 etc., number of times, then this setting is a must for you. Otherwise, you can ignore this option as it will not hamper your discount strategy.

Limit Rule - Product Discount

WholesaleX also lets you select the Start Date and End Date, which define the date users can get this discount. This setting is for time-limited discounts, and you can easily select the time and date for the discount to show up. Also, you can create the discount beforehand, so you don’t have to worry about setting a new discount rule on a specific day.

Date Rule - Product Discount
Date Rule – Product Discount

Once you have set up the product discount, you can save it, and it will be live. You can always edit the discount anytime you would like, depending on your needs. Product discounts are a great way to increase sales and incentivize customers, and WholesaleX makes it easier to set up.

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